The sheer destruction caused by the Asian Tsunami 2004 event mark it as the most devastating of its kind in modern times causing billions of worth of destruction to communities. Several tsunami relief agencies and charities were involved in the massive tasks of helping the victims to clearing and rebuilding the communities over several years. This section gives information on progress achieved by various relief agencies and charities
- Reliefweb: South Asia tsunami 2004 relief update
- World Bank Publication: Asian tsunami 2004 relief updates
- Asian Development Bank: Tsunami 2004 relief updates
- Reuters: Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 news updates
- Google up dates on Asian tsunami 2004
The risk of Indian Ocean earthquakes and tsunamis similar to the 2004 Sumatra disaster is greater than previously thought, researchers say. British and Canadian scientists said the risk in the western Indian Ocean of an earthquake-caused tsunami that could threaten the coastal areas of Pakistan, Iran, Oman, India and other countries has been underestimated. UPI science news
- UNDP Reports: Tsunami 2004 relief updates
- Plan: Tsunami 2004 relief updates 5 years after
- Int. Fedration of Red cross and Red crescent societies
- WHO: The drinking water response to the Asian tsunami 2004 including the role of household water treatment
- WFP: Full Report of the ‘Real Time’ Evaluation Asian tsunami 2004
- UNISDR – Requirements Asian tsunami 2004
- Oxfam: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami – 5 years on
“Our shared challenge in Asia and the Pacific is to control both the growing rate of exposure and rising vulnerability. Exposure to hazards has multiplied as urban centres grow and people and economic activities expand into increasingly exposed and hazard-prone land. It is also a concern that smaller economies, those that have less diversified economic structures, and countries with high fiscal deficits, show greater strains of vulnerability even when faced with relatively small-scale disasters,” said Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 2012.
- Oxfam: Indian Ocean tsunami 2004 crisis
- Int. Fedration of Red cross and Red crescent societies: Asian tsunami 2004 two years progress
- Save the children: Rebuilding lives after the tsunami – the children’s road to recovery
- Mercy Corps: Indian ocean tsunami 2004 – two years later
- UNICEF: Evaluation of UNICEF’s Response (Emergency and Initial Recovery Phase), Synthesis Report (2006)
A comprehensive approach to reducing disaster risk was established by the UN General Assembly, through a process which led to the Hyogo Framework for Action for 2005-2015. The framework was endorsed by 168 countries following the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Its goal is “the substantial reduction of disaster losses in lives and in the social, economic and environmental assets of communities and countries.” Its ten- year plan sets out what is required from governments, multilateral organisations, regional institutions, disaster experts, and many others to reduce disaster loss. more